Page 3 - 福建光宇电力设备有限公司
P. 3

                                                                                                    'VKJBO (VBOHZV
                                                                                             1PXFS &RVJQNFOU $P   -UE

                         Fujian Guangyu Power Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes   box,  lighting  box,  meter  box,  etc.  The  above
                         in the production, manufacture and sales of complete   products have passed the type test of the National
                         sets  of  switching  equipment  for  transmission  and   High  Voltage  Product  Quality  Supervision  and
                         distribution  of  35KV  and  below.  The  company  has   Inspection  Center  and  the  3C  quality  compulsory
                         advanced production equipment. Realized the profes-  certification  of  the  National  CQC  Center.  The
                         sionalization  of  product  design  and  computerized   company  strictly  implements  the  ISO9001  quality
                         production management.                        assurance  system  and  provides  high  quality
                                                                       products and satisfactory services to customers.
                         The company's current main products are: KYN28-24
                         indoor AC metal open switchgear, XGN2-12 indoor AC   The company's products are widely used in energy
                         metal-enclosed  switchgear,  YBW  landscape  outdoor   generation,  transportation  municipalities,  airport
                         box  substation,  DFW-12  high  voltage  cable  branch   ports,  metallurgical  chemicals,  building  materials,
                         box,  HXGN15-12  AC  high  voltage  metal  closed  ring   engineering colleges, finance and insurance, manu-
                         network  switchgear,  CF6-12  fully  insulated  inflatable   facturing medical and new energy.
                         ring  network  cabinet,  MNS  low  voltage  withdrawable
                         switchgear, GCS low voltage withdrawable switchgear,   Sincerely  welcome  customers  to  work  together  to
                         GCK  low  voltage  withdrawable  switchgear,  GGD  AC   create brilliant!
                         low voltage distribution panel and power box, Control
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